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Kosovars remember the US contribution through names, 32 boys in Kosovo bear the name Clinton


1 in 600 girls in America during 2020 were named with the name Madeline. Although it is located miles away, one of the most common names in America is also known in Kosovo. Madelina Geci was named so by her parents. The motive behind it is one and only: gratitude to the former American secretary, Madeline Albright.

Another girl from Kamenica has the same name.

However, this case is not ‘sui generis’ in Kosovo. Names that are intended to remind the contribution of the United States of America in Kosovo are a tradition in the country that is considered the most pro-American country in the world.

After the end of the war, many Kosovars decided to name their children after American personalities.

In addition to holding a statue in Pristina, located next to the US flag, the former American president, Bill Clinton, is also honored in other forms.

In Kosovo, according to the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 32 boys have the name Clinton.

They come from different municipalities in Kosovo, but mostly this name is used in Malisheve. Citizens from Klina, Deçani, Gjakova, Gjilan, Mitrovica, Suhareka, Vushtrri, etc. bear the name Klinton.

When talking about history, Kosovars don’t forget former president George Bush either. In his honor, three children bear the name Bush. They are from Drenas, Peja and Malisheva.

In addition to the names of people, America is also present in Kosovo in the names of streets. Precisely in the place where the US embassy in Kosovo is located, the street bears the name “July 4”, to remember the anniversary of the independence of the USA.

A street in Prizren is named “Wesley Clark”, it will keep the gratitude to the former high commander of NATO, Wesley Clark.

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