The Kosovo Football Federation has initiated a talent discovery camp in New York, targeting footballers from the Albanian diaspora. The camp, set to conclude at the end of this month, aims to identify top talents who may join Kosovo’s national teams in the future.
Coordinated by the Kosovo Football Federation, the camp will be overseen by national team coaches, including Adil Maliqi (U19), Arbnor Morina (U17), and Ilir Nallbani (U15). Beginning on November 28 in Orangeburg, New York, the camp will welcome players born in 2005-2007, with the 2008-2009 generations joining on November 29.
Prospective participants can apply through the Kosovo Football Federation representative for America, Mars Podvorica, using the provided contact information:
Phone Number: +19173926026
This initiative highlights Kosovo’s commitment to expanding its talent pool by tapping into the Albanian diaspora in the United States, offering young footballers the chance to potentially represent Kosovo internationally.