Prime Minister Albin Kurti has continued visits to well-known American companies. On the first day of his stay in Illinois, Kurti met with the founder and CEO, Adam Zeck, and the Director of Sales, Marketing and Operations, Jeta Zagragja, of UCX.
After visiting UCX, Kurti met with Steven Collens, CEO of MATTER, and Katie Kosko, Partnership Manager.
“This company, since May last year, has its branch in Kosovo. “UCX is a leading company in SaaS (Software as a service) that provides services to over 2500 different businesses to expand their online sales capacity (E-Commerce)”, said OPM in a press release.
“Prime Minister Kurti, during the conversation said that his government supports the development and increase of IT potential and capacities.
“He thanked its leaders for their hospitality and investment in Kosovo, and invited them to always consider Kosovo in their expansion plans,” reads the announcement of the Office of the Prime Minister.
In this meeting, Prime Minister Kurti spoke about the improvements in economic and democracy indicators, the priorities of his mandate and the country’s potential for investment, especially in the field of Information Technology. Speaking about the digitalization agenda, he said that the digitalization of health services and the establishment of the Health Information System are two of the main objectives through which we aim to transform the health sector in the country. Me z. Collens and Mrs. “Promising opportunities for cooperation were discussed in Kosovo,” the statement said.