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EU confirms Lajcak’s meeting with Kurti and Vucic


European Union Foreign and Security Policy Spokesman, Peter Stano, has confirmed that the European Union bloc’s special envoy for the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, will be in Berlin on May 4, where he will also meet with the Prime Minister. of Kosovo, Albin Kurti, and with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.

Lajçak will also have a joint meeting with the two leaders.

If realized, this will be the first meeting between Kurti and Vucic since July last year.

Kurti and Vucic’s move to Berlin was announced last week, at the invitation of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has invited President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti on special bilateral visits to Berlin on May 4. “At the invitation of Chancellor Scholz, the special envoy, Miroslav Lajcak, will be in Berlin on May 4 to meet first with the chancellor, and then in an informal meeting with President Vucic and Prime Minister Kurti,” he said. EU spokesperson.

In the EU, there have been several attempts to create conditions for a high-level meeting between Kurti and Vucic, in the framework of the dialogue for the normalization of relations, but so far without success.

EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell himself has said he will not invite the leaders to such a face-to-face meeting, without clear indications that concrete progress will be made at the meeting.

This informal meeting in Berlin, if realized, could be an opportunity to improve the atmosphere within the dialogue and to make possible even a high-level meeting in Brussels.

The first meetings that took place between Kurti and Vuiqi. In Brussels, an EU official described as “not easy, not pleasant and not meaningful”.

This official said that those meetings were more “monologues of these leaders” than a real dialogue.

Lajçak has announced that on May 13 he will host the next meeting of the chief negotiators of Kosovo and Serbia in the framework of dialogue.

Discussions on the issue of car license plates are expected to continue at this meeting, which the parties did not agree on at the last meeting in Brussels.

The interim agreement between the two states on license plates provides for the sticking of state symbols on car license plates when they cross into each other’s territory.

This agreement, reached on September 30 last year in Brussels, came after several days of unrest in northern Kosovo, where some local Serbs blocked the road, to oppose the then decision of the Government of Kosovo for reciprocity measures.

With those measures, cars with Serbian license plates, upon entering the territory of Kosovo, had to put up temporary license plates – similar to what the drivers of cars with Kosovo license plates did when they entered Serbia.

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