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Celebrating International Mother Language Day with the Albanian-American Community


Albanian-American Association “Skenderbej” Inc. recently participated in the International Mother Language Day event organized by the Association of Albanian American Duel Language & Culture (AADLC), which was founded by Drita Gjongecaj, Director of the Albanian School “Children of the Eagle,” and Deputy Director of the Department of Education Public School in NY.

International Mother Language Day is a day celebrated annually on February 21st. It was established by UNESCO in 1999 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism. Since then, various events have been organized worldwide to celebrate the day and raise awareness about the importance of preserving and promoting mother languages.

Language is an integral part of a people’s identity, through which their spirit and culture are expressed. The development and spoken language of a people, their love for it, and its promotion, in fact, reflects the culture that prevails within that society. The celebration of International Mother Language Day is significant for the Albanian-American community and has become a festive tradition thanks to the efforts of Drita Gjongecaj and her staff, who organize the celebration every year.

“Skenderbej Inc.” represented by members of its executive committee, including Majlinda Tafaj, Esma Leka, Blerim Gjocaj, Hafije Qyqalla, Xhelil Leka, Adelina Laçaj, and Bujar Sadikaj, attended the event and appreciated the performance of the Albanian School “Children of the Eagle.” The students sang, recited, and performed traditional Albanian dances, which impressed the audience.

Members of the Albanian-American community, including the representatives of Skenderbej, expressed gratitude to Drita Gjongecaj and her teaching staff for their outstanding work in teaching Albanian language and culture to children of the Albanian diaspora in NY. In recognition of the Skenderbej association’s support and cooperation in preserving and promoting the Albanian language and culture, Drita Gjongecaj presented Imer Laçaj, the head of Skenderbej, with a Certificate of Appreciation.

In conclusion, the celebration of International Mother Language Day is an important event that highlights the significance of language as an essential component of a people’s identity and culture. The efforts of individuals and organizations like the Association of Albanian American Duel Language & Culture and Skenderbej Inc. are crucial in preserving and promoting the Albanian language and culture among the diaspora.

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