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Poll Shows Albanians Lean Towards Trump in Upcoming US Presidential Election


With six months remaining until the US presidential elections, a survey by the Data Centrum Research Institute in Albania reveals a notable preference among Albanians for Donald Trump over Joe Biden. This barometer survey, which posed three significant questions to respondents, sheds light on the political leanings and geopolitical perspectives of the Albanian populace.

The first question addressed the potential winner of the US presidential elections. A significant 46.2% of the respondents believe that Donald Trump will emerge victorious, compared to 33.7% who think Joe Biden will win. This indicates a stronger confidence in Trump’s electoral prospects among Albanians.

The second question delved into which candidate they believe would be better for the global situation. Here, 43.5% of those surveyed expressed that a Trump victory would be more beneficial for world affairs, whereas 36.5% favored Biden for this role. This sentiment reflects a perception that Trump’s policies might be more aligned with their views on global stability.

Lastly, when considering the interests of Albanians in the region, particularly for Albania and Kosovo, 40% of the respondents feel that Trump’s presidency would be more advantageous. In contrast, 37.7% think that Biden would better serve the interests of Albanians. This close split indicates a nuanced perspective but still shows a slight edge towards Trump.

These findings illustrate a clear tilt towards Donald Trump among Albanians, both in terms of his expected victory and perceived benefits for international and regional interests. As the US elections draw nearer, these sentiments could influence the Albanian-American community and their engagement in the electoral process.

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