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Kosovo Hero’s Daughter Tops NY Police Academy Training


Mirjeta Tafa, daughter of Kosovo martyr Rrahman Tafa, has achieved a remarkable feat by securing the top spot among 500 recruits in physical preparedness at the New York Police Academy. Recognized by New York City officials and police leadership at the graduation ceremony on July 15, 2024, Tafa’s accomplishment marks a significant milestone in her journey with the New York Police Department (NYPD), where she has recently been appointed as a police officer.

Inspired by her father’s sacrifice during the Kosovo war, Mirjeta pursued her dream of military service in the US Army before transitioning to law enforcement. Graduating as a specialist, the highest initial rank, just days before the 15th anniversary of Kosovo’s independence, she reflects on her father’s legacy and the personal significance of her achievement. Despite not knowing her father, Mirjeta feels a deep connection to his courage and spirit, guiding her path in both military and police service.

Transitioning from her homeland to America, Mirjeta embarked on a rigorous journey that culminated in her graduation from basic combat training last year. Her commitment to excellence and perseverance during the intensive 10-week training earned her recognition among the top soldiers, reflecting her dedication to serving her new country.

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