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Albania to Create a Bektashi Muslim State in Tirana


Albania is planning to create a sovereign Bektashi Muslim state within its capital, Tirana, in a move that has shocked many and sparked widespread debate. The Bektashi Order, a liberal Shiite Sufi sect, would control a 27-acre territory similar to Vatican City. This “state within a state” would have its own administration, borders, and even passports, and is intended to be a model of religious tolerance in the region. Baba Mondi, the 65-year-old spiritual leader of the Bektashi, is set to lead this microstate, which will allow alcohol, permit liberal lifestyles, and not impose strict Islamic rules.

Prime Minister Edi Rama has strongly supported the initiative, stating that the creation of the Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order will send a message of religious moderation. Rama has emphasized the importance of promoting a version of Islam that does not fall victim to extremist interpretations, which he believes is vital for Albania’s identity as a tolerant nation. The enclave will be small, roughly the size of five New York City blocks, and is expected to strengthen ties with Western countries while promoting a peaceful image of Islam.

However, the proposal has stirred concerns. Critics, including Albania’s larger Sunni Muslim community, are worried that such a radical move could undermine national unity and create tension among the country’s diverse religious groups. Although the Bektashi are viewed as a key part of Albania’s religious heritage, some fear that establishing a state within Tirana could lead to fragmentation. Moreover, international recognition of this microstate remains uncertain, with countries like Iran expected to oppose it.

The Bektashi enclave is envisioned as a beacon of religious coexistence, but the project is still in its early stages. Parliament will need to pass laws to define the sovereign status, and debates over property ownership are already surfacing. Nevertheless, Baba Mondi remains optimistic, calling the plan a “miracle” that will cement the Bektashi’s role as a force for peace and tolerance in Albania and beyond

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