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“F’Oda” Event in Prishtina Focuses on Women’s Empowerment and Reproductive Rights


The welcome party for the second edition of “F’Oda” an event dedicated to empowering women and girls in Kosovo, was held this Friday at the UBT University Campus in Prishtina. The gathering drew a significant crowd and featured discussions on women’s rights and empowerment, with a particular focus on reproductive rights.

Notable figures in attendance included the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Donika Gervalla, and the Minister of Justice, Albulena Haxhiu, both of whom pledged the support of the government of Kosovo for initiatives that promote gender equality and women’s rights.

Djellza Pulatani, the founder of F’ODA, addressed the audience with a compelling message about challenging patriarchal concepts and notions. “In a patriarchy, there are certain concepts and notions that, for example, a girl and a woman are someone else’s property, either of the husband or the father. This is an idea that we, as a collective, want to change. We hope to empower our students to feel not only inspired but also valued” she said.

The main theme of the event revolved around reproductive rights, setting the stage for the two days of summit sessions that will follow. The first day will center around sexual education, while the second day will explore the ideas and perceptions of girls’ and women’s bodies.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Donika Gervalla reflected on the historical role of women in Kosovo’s resistance movement. “Not long ago, just 25 years ago, women were the bearers of resistance in the Republic of Kosovo at a time when many men and boys were forced to leave to avoid becoming soldiers for Milošević against their own country” she remarked.

Gervalla thanked the women of F’Oda and emphasized the government’s commitment to supporting such initiatives, highlighting the importance of addressing women’s issues and ensuring continued progress in the fight for gender equality.


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