Bek Lover, a well-known Albanian-American figure in the New York City area, recently made a statement on his podcast regarding the historical connection between the United States and Albania. According to him, two countries started in Massachusetts: the United States of America and Albania
Bek Lover explains that if it weren’t for the friendship between Woodrow Wilson and Albanian immigrants, Albania may have lost 100% of its territory and become the Kurds of Europe. President Wilson did express support for Albanian independence, and the United States was one of the first countries to recognize the new Albanian state in 1912. The League of Nations eventually recognized Albania as a sovereign nation in 1920.
“Two countries started in Massachusetts; the United States of America, when the first Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock and Albania. Albania was recognized as a sovereign nation because of Woodrow Wilson and the first Albanians that migrated to Boston. If it was not for them and their friendship with Woodrow Wilson when we were being attacked by all of our neighbors, we would have lost 100% of our territory and we would have been the Kurds of Europe. He went to the League of Nations, Woodrow Wilson, lobbied and said: “Listen, you got to give these people something”. So the love affair of our country with America is over 100 years old. We literally owe our existence to United States of America.”- said Lover on his latest Podcast episode.
Bek Lover’s own background as the son of hardworking Albanian immigrant parents adds a personal dimension to his comments. With his extensive business and life experience and a vast network of highly influential people, Bek Lover shares his unique perspectives with his followers and audience.