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The Czech activist protests in front of the Embassy of Serbia in the Czech Republic with banners supporting Kosovo

A Czech activist protested on Monday in front of the Serbian embassy in Prague. Julie Levkova protested peacefully, after the situation that arose on Sunday in Kosovo. The activist has placed inscriptions in front of the Serbian embassy such as “Kosovo is not Serbia, “Serbia stop attacking Kosovo”, Friends of Russia are not welcome” etc.… Continue reading The Czech activist protests in front of the Embassy of Serbia in the Czech Republic with banners supporting Kosovo

The meeting between Kurti and Vucic can be held in the third week of August

A day after Prime Minister Albin Kurti said that he is ready to meet with the president of Serbia, confirmation came from his cabinet that such a thing could happen this month. On July 19 of this year, a meeting was planned between the heads of state of Kosovo and Serbia within the dialogue sponsored… Continue reading The meeting between Kurti and Vucic can be held in the third week of August

Hovenier: Reciprocity measures with Serbia are in accordance with the Brussels agreements

The American ambassador in Pristina, Jeff Hovenier, has said that the USA welcomes the decision of the leaders of Kosovo to temporarily suspend the implementation of reciprocity measures. In a post on Twitter, Hovenier has said that these two measures are in full compliance with the agreements signed in Brussels. He also said that these… Continue reading Hovenier: Reciprocity measures with Serbia are in accordance with the Brussels agreements

Pelosi: Solidarity with Taiwanese people more important than ever

The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has arrived in Taiwan, despite China’s threats that Washington will face “serious consequences”. She was received at Taipei airport by Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu. “The visit to Taiwan by our congressional delegation honors America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy,” Pelosi said.… Continue reading Pelosi: Solidarity with Taiwanese people more important than ever